CCTI Register 2024

JUNE 17–21
In-person Tours and Presentations

(4) 1-hour Zoom lectures & Project Prep

  • CCTI is a Teacher Institute overseen by the National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in The State of South Carolina (NSCDA-SC) and it is a series of independently administered programs provided by the organizations mentioned on this website and in this Course packet.

  • Upon the completion of this course participants will earn 60 educational recertification hours or 3 graduate credit hours from the College of Charleston toward a Master’s degree +18 or +30.

  • Class time will be 40 hours earned during site visits June 17-21 and 7:00pm one-hour Zoom lectures Mon - Thurs evenings of the following week (remotely).

  • Remaining 12.5 class hours/requirements will also be completed remotely until the deadline of July 3, 2024.


Full course tuition is $550 but the NSCDA-SC is offering up to 10 scholarships this year.  To be considered for a $400 scholarship, click HERE to complete the application.

Act quickly as scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis to qualified applicants. If selected for a scholarship, teachers will only pay $150 for the entire course.


Email :

(843) 722-9350