The Charleston Tea Party event was held on Saturday December 2, 2023, at 10:00am in front of the Old Exchange Building & Provost Dungeon, located at 122 East Bay Street. It included a theatrical reenactment of Charleston's own Tea Party Protest on the front portico of the building. The performance, aided by the crowd and costumed “townspeople” numbering around 500 people, was a rolicking good time! Attendees were later able to tour the cellar of the Exchange where the confiscated tea was stored and enjoyed some hot tea provided by Oliver Pluff & Co. Museums around town were also opened for free and special tours. Learn more about the 1773 Charleston Tea Protest and 18th century tea by exploring the tabs to the left.
This commemoration of Charleston’s first Tea Party during the first weekend of December sets the stage for a multi-year commemoration of the American Revolution that will happen locally and throughout South Carolina.
Grant funding for this event has been provided to The NSCDA-SC/ Powder Magazine Museum by the South Carolina Sestercentennial Commission.
Plans of Buildings, Old Exchange East Elevation, 1766-67, SCDAH Map Case 05/02 folder 16
Funding for these projects was provided by state funds from the SC American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250)