Colonial STEAM

Grades 4th and Higher

This exploration of The Powder Magazine focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. What is the relationship between the architecture and engineering of the building and its function? How was black powder manufactured ? What are the chemical reactions that take place in the barrels of a musket or cannonwhen it’s fired? How is our cannon a perfect example of a variety of "simple machines" ? How did cannoneers aim a cannon without a calculator? How many forms of energy does firing a musket or cannon involve? Who knew the oldest public building in the Carolinas has so much to say about science and technology? We explore these questions during a tour of the Powder Magazine and a musket and cannon demonstration.

Time: 30-45 minutes

Fee: $5 per student, $6 per adult, teachers are free
Minimum 10 students, maximum 40 students